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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 31.08.24 12:54. Заголовок: What Python libraries are used for API? Show drafts

There are several Python libraries that are commonly used for working with APIs:

General-Purpose Libraries:

Requests: A simple and elegant HTTP library for making requests to APIs. It supports various HTTP methods, authentication, and session management.
urllib3: Another popular HTTP library that provides a lower-level interface for advanced use cases. Python Training in Pune
httpx: A modern HTTP client library that combines the best features of Requests and urllib3, offering a more asynchronous approach.
Specific Libraries for API Tasks:

aiohttp: Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework that is well-suited for building high-performance applications.
grequests: A wrapper around Requests that allows for asynchronous requests, making it suitable for concurrent API calls.
PyJWT: A library for JSON Web Token (JWT) encoding and decoding, commonly used for authentication and authorization in APIs.
OAuth2-Client: A library for implementing OAuth2 authentication, which is widely used for API access control. Python Course in Pune
GraphQL-Core: A Python library for implementing GraphQL APIs, a flexible query language for APIs.

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